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Piko Frame Furniture Links
Piko Frame Furniture Links



Consistently crackle and flame

A real design highlight as a furniture

The more perspectives, the better

Absolute eye-catcher in the room

Practical and beautiful: the Piko Frame Furniture stove is equipped with a narrow metal rack on the side. Here you can store wood supplies neatly. This way, you don't have to go out into the cold to fetch wood in winter, and the wood stays nice and dry. Visually, the filled wood storage  emphasizes the cozy atmosphere of your fireplace. You can choose between dark titanium or clear white for the body colors; the rack is in elegant nero (black). An absolute eye-catcher - even in summer! The Piko Frame Furniture scores with a clear, modern design that harmonizes with all home styles. Its high, L-shaped panes offer an open view of the fireplace from two perspectives. Ideal as a corner solution!


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